by sharon zink | Feb 24, 2017 | productivity, video
In this week’s video, we get practical and look compassionately at how we spend our time over the course of a week … You can download the accompanying text of The Hectic Writer’s Handy Workbook for more information. ...
by sharon zink | Feb 17, 2017 | emotion, productivity, Uncategorized, video, writing tips
In this week’s two short videos, I’m here to tell you that YOU GOT THIS and to help you see what a badass you are so that you can get past the creative fears that may be holding you back from being as productive and inspired as you might like. By looking at how...
by sharon zink | Feb 10, 2017 | productivity, video, writing tips
This week, I invite you to look at your written account of your Ideal Writing Day and your vision board, if you made one, to pick out the elements that seem the most important and inspiring to you. These are clues to your real creative dreams and will allow you to...
by sharon zink | Feb 3, 2017 | productivity, video, writing tips
Last week, we started exploring just what our Ideal Writing Day would look like on paper. Setting aside practicalities, we played and dreamed like kids in order to create a detailed written account of our perfect writing day. This week, we look at how we can create a...
by sharon zink | Jan 27, 2017 | productivity, video, writing tips
What would be your ideal writing day, if anything were possible? Would you be writing full-time? Would you be winning major prizes, topping the bestseller charts, living in Paris? In this week’s video, I ask you to dream on the page about what exactly your Ideal...
by sharon zink | Jan 21, 2017 | productivity, video, writing tips
Are you fighting to find time to write due to work and family commitments? Maybe you have health issues that zap your energy or perhaps you’re going through major life changes, such as a bereavement or a break up which have left you low in creative confidence....
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